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Taking on a few home upgrades is a great way to make your home feel brand new – but there are other perks as well. For homeowners who are looking to make their property a little more eco-friendly, there are a lot of opportunities to do exactly that!

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the unique ways you can boost your home’s market value while also reducing your personal carbon footprint. 

Building Equity in Your Home

In addition to making things a little easier on your surrounding environment, the right upgrades can actually add value to your home too. Regardless of how old it may be, making a few improvements to your home and property can help you keep up with the evolving tastes and needs of modern homebuyers. 

Depending on your personal goals, these upgrades could be big, small, or somewhere in the middle. Let’s take a closer look. 

Looking for more home renovation ideas? Explore these related posts from our blog. 

Top Upgrades

It’s fair to say that consumer behaviours have changed quite a bit over the past couple of decades. Today, many Canadians have embraced a wide range of environmentally-conscious habits, and everyone is taking on these ideas in their own way – including homeowners. 

Here’s a look at some of the most popular upgrades that homeowners are taking on to make their properties more sustainable. 

Solar Panels

Installing solar panels on your roof or in your yard is an excellent way to reduce your reliance on traditional energy sources. 

As Canadians shift towards more alternative energy sources in the long term, having solar panels on your property can be a strong value-add for those with an eco-conscious mindset.

Energy-Efficient Appliances

One of the easiest ways to make your home more eco-friendly is by swapping out older, energy-consuming appliances with efficient alternatives. 

While a relatively small change, it can make a big difference. Appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers consume a lot of energy, and upgrading to energy-efficient models can significantly reduce your utility bills. 

In addition to reducing your carbon footprint, having modern, energy-efficient appliances will make your home more appealing to buyers in the future – especially those who are eco-conscious. 

Landscaping With Local Plants

As part of your home’s overall curb appeal, having a lush, well-maintained garden can be a great value-add during the listing process. If you’re already an avid gardener, choosing to use local plant species can help you reduce your ecological footprint.

Native plants are already adapted to the local climate, which reduces the chance that they’ll require excessive watering, chemical pesticides, or other types of maintenance. While another example of a relatively small change, it can once again have a large impact long term. 

Smart-Home Technologies

Smart-home technology has become increasingly prominent in recent years and it’s not hard to see why. In addition to the convenience and security that they can provide, smart-home technologies also help homeowners cut back on energy usage. 

There are a number of smart-home applications that allow homeowners to better monitor and control their utility usage, which can lead to less wasted energy and great long-term savings. When you sell down the line, buyers will place a lot of value on this addition to your home. 

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Guiding Your Project

If you’re looking for new ways to upgrade your home it’s a good idea to speak to an expert – like a local real estate agent. Even if you’re only looking to make the property better suited to your needs, it’s important to recognize that any changes you make will directly affect its value. 

Therefore, before jumping in, you’ll want to work with someone who understands local properties inside and out. An agent can ensure that any home upgrades you make will increase value rather than hinder it. 

If you do have a specific goal in mind, such as making your home more environmentally conscious, they can help you determine which projects will be best suited to you. After creating a roadmap for your home upgrades, a great agent can also connect you to local contractors and tradespeople to help you get the job done. 

Looking for a local real estate team who can guide you through value-adding home improvements? The Wright Team can help! Call 613-692-0606 or send us an email at to get in touch.